Right after I came back from Nashville last month, I spent some time thinking about my running over the next year. I knew a lot of people talked about getting burned out from running too many marathons back to back, but I was just so giddy after the Country Music Marathon, that I envisioned myself doing marathon after marathon until something gave out on me.
Over the last month, I've been training for the Wasatch Back (which is less than four weeks away-- yay!), signed up to do a race on July 24th with my sister-in-law, Alison, got picked in the lottery to run the St. George Marathon at the beginning of October, got asked to run in another Ragnar Relay here in Texas in the end of October, tentatively planned on a repeat performance (hopefully minus the viral illness) at the Texas Marathon on New Year's Day, and that's all before the big Kahuna-- Boston, next April.
Yesterday, when I woke up to do my 18-mile run, I could hardly pull myself from my bed. It was dark, and I was tired, and the bed seemed so inviting. It's been so hot all week. Yesterday, at 5:45am, it was 80 degrees, and probably about 80% humidity (it kept threatening to rain, but nothing ever came). Somehow, over the last six months, I forgot how brutal running in Texas in the summer can be. I know I've said this before, but it's just like running in the bathroom after someone took a water heater-draining shower. And the treadmill in my bedroom, with its huge east-facing windows, isn't any better for my morning runs. In just a week, Bryce and Annie will get out of school, and I'll have four to contend with instead of two when I lock them out of the room and try to sneak in a quickie (run, that is).
Anyway, yesterday morning I did nine miles before I decided that I just couldn't hack it. Did you hear that? I couldn't hack it. I went to the gym and finished up with a spinning class instead, and even there, in the air-conditioned relative coolness, everyone complained about how muggy and sweaty it was. For the rest of the day, I felt terrible: tired, irritable, kind of sick.
This is what running in the summer does to me. And now, because I've loaded my schedule up with races from now until next year, I can't take break. Every single Saturday, I'll be up before dawn, hitting the concrete. Ugh. And even though I love running, I kind of hate it too right now. I know there were lots of people (my friends Elisabeth and Melodee included) who wanted to get into St. George and couldn't, so I feel like I have to slog through the endless sweaty summer and not bail on this race. I'm just not very happy about it right now.
Can somebody give me a pep talk?