Sunday, August 5, 2007

Is time "stretchy?"


Maren is two months old today. At the risk of sounding really, really sappy and a lot like Tevye, where have the last two months gone? These have been the fastest two months of my entire life. I swear, just an hour ago I was standing at the kitchen counter, feeling the flood gates let loose as my water broke. Now, I have a smiling, squirming, doing her best to roll onto her side child on my lap, who has gained more than four pounds and has fully ingratiated herself into the hearts of everyone who has spent more than five minutes with her.

Maybe the first few months of a baby's life seem to go by quickly because the last few months of a pregnancy seem to last forever. That's why I think time is stretchy. I always spend the babymoon phase simulatenously rejoicing that I finally have the baby in my arms and lamenting that the baby will never be a newborn again. On the other hand, when I'm pregnant, I sign message board posts with the day and week of my pregnancy (like 32w4d) which seems to do nothing but make the time stretch out longer. And as much as I love feeling my babies kick, I'm always eager to get my body back for myself-- at least as much as it's my own when I tote my newborn around most of the day and she sleeps snuggled up in my armpit. 

--originally published 2/23/07

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