Title: iPlates
Authors: Stephen Carter and Jett Atwood (illustrator)
Enjoyment Rating: me ***, Isaac (my eight-year-old) *****
This book would be rated: PG for flying arms
Source: review copy
Books I've read this year: 116
I also wanted to take a look at iPlates by Stephen Carter
(author) and Jett Atwood (illustrator) and published by Leicester Bay. I
went into it without knowing much about comic books, but I liked what I
saw– basically Carter and Atwood turn the Zeniff/Abinadi/King Noah/Alma
cycle (with some Ammon thrown in for good measure) into a story a
prepubescent boy would love, with plenty of blood and piles of arms and
made up Nephite curse replacements. I can’t really comment on how the
book works as a comic book, because I know next to nothing about that,
but as entertainment/a gentle push toward doctrinal stories for a
Mormon? I think it succeeds.
My eight-year-old has the day off school today, and he came and found
me curled up in bed, reading iPlates. He pulled the iPad out of my hand
and tilted it toward him, and we sat next to each other in my bed,
reading together. After he finished, he said, “Wow, that was cool.” I’m
pretty sure that he will make sure that the iPad makes its way into the
church bag from now on.
A few weeks ago, my mom and I went into Deseret Book, searching for a
gift she could give to the aforementioned eight-year-old. There was
plenty of girly jewelry and books explaining the concept of baptism,
books which would, truth be told, probably sit on a shelf and go unread.
But iPlates would be the perfect baptism gift for an eight-year-old
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