Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Book #72: The Lost Symbol

Title: The Lost Symbol
Author: Dan Brown

I'm not the only one who has been down on Dan Brown in the last decade. I sat down with the DaVinci Code and didn't get up for two days, until it was done. Then I spent the next month picking it apart and finding inconsistencies and rethinking places where the writing could have been tighter. This time around, I sat down with The Lost Symbol, and had a thoroughly good time reading for two days. And I'm not going to do it this time. I'm not going to pick it apart and talk about how the ending was a let-down, or I could tell from the fifth or sixth chapter what the real identity of the villain was (although I knew it! I knew it!), instead, I'm just going to say that for two days, I had a lot of fun following Robert Langdon around Washington DC and figuring out puzzles. Do I feel like an expert on Masonry or symbology? If course not? Do I think that Robert and Katherine will ride off in the sunset together? Maybe for as long as James Bond stays with a Bond girl. That's okay, it was fun while it lasted.

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