Friday, May 15, 2009

Book #29: I Will Teach You to be Rich

Title: I Will Teach You to Be Rich
Author: Ramit Sethi

I'll admit that I haven't read every single word of Ramit Sethi's I Will Teach You to be Rich (yet) but I think it's already saved us thousands of dollars. It's the perfect book for twentysomethings who want a head start of their peers in being smart with money (or even for thirtysomethings like us who have been in school forever and putting off adult sorts of things like investing and saving). Sethi takes readers through the steps of getting out of debt, finding the right credit cards and bank accounts (complete with recommendations), and getting started accumulating wealth. His most important recommendation? Start early! If you want Sethi's ideas without shelling out the cash for his book, read his blog instead. It's even a pretty fun read-- a rarity (I'd imagine) in the world of personal finance books.

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