Saturday, August 4, 2007

One Hundred Little Things that Make Me Happy: Part One

I'm finally getting around to counting those blessings. And I'm not going to bore you with the big ones (a great husband, adorable kids, good parents, yada yada) because those aren't that interesting for anyone besides me to read about. The following is a list of little things that make me happy:

  1. Reserving library books online

  2. The UPS man showing up at my door

  3. NPR

  4. Water and ice in the door of my fridge

  5. Shopping at Central Market

  6. My gray granny nightgown with the heart buttons (it’s Eddie’s favorite)

  7. Wearing knee-high ski socks with the aforementioned granny nightgown

  8. My deep bathtub

  9. Watching geckos eat bugs while I sit in the tub

  10. Cheesy celebrity magazines

  11. The IKEA catalog

  12. Gelato

  13. Turning back onto my street after a good run

  14. Getting up at 5am to run with my girlfriends on Friday morning

  15. Sprinting the last ¼ mile

  16. Finally finding a running bra that fits

  17. Good book group discussions

  18. Email from people who aren’t trying to sell me anything or forward me anything

  19. BBC version of Pride and Prejudice

  20. Colin Firth in pretty much any other movie

  21. The way my skin smells after sitting on the beach or taking a nap

  22. Freshly buffed fingernails

  23. Downward facing dog

  24. Prayer position

  25. Runner’s stretch

  26. Painting rooms

  27. Inventive solutions to home decorating challenges (like using a table runner as a curtain)

  28. Building drippy castles

  29. Watching those tiny little clams dig back into the sand after a big wave

  30. Driving a stick shift

  31. Scrunchy newborns

  32. Having my kids read to me

  33. Ben and Jerry’s Hot Fudge

  34. Watching The Bachelor with Eddie

  35. Babies who take long naps

  36. Curling up on my bed on Sunday afternoons

  37. Ordering take out and watching a movie

  38. When Eddie gets home early

  39. Travel guides

  40. Vacuum lines in the carpet

  41. The artwork in the old Dick and Jane books

  42. Dropping off the kids at primary and nursery after Sacrament Meeting

  43. Open windows

  44. Cold air in the morning

  45. Shopping in the dollar aisle at Target

  46. Having a well-stocked pantry.

  47. When all of the laundry in the whole house is folded and put away.

  48. Squirting Isaac in the bathtub with a water gun

  49. Watching the kids giggle as they slide down the slide together

  50. Putting everyone to bed and sitting on the couch with a bowl of ice cream

--originally posted 3/2/06

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