Saturday, August 4, 2007

An Explanation

I'm one of those people who always has to have something to obsess about. For the longest time it has been either making babies or carrying babies or getting those babies to sleep through the night. When we got to Texas this summer, I used my characteristic obsessiveness to get the whole house decorated in a matter of a month or so (well, except for the playroom, but I have an idea for that too). When I was done decorating and didn't have anything to pour my overabundant energy into, I decided to write. I tried to write some essays, the genre I knew best (as someone who has been studying or teaching English for most of her adult life), but with the kids I just couldn't focus on an essay. So one day while I was waiting for the cable guy I turned to writing poems. I know that they don't rhyme. Most of them are cheesy. My husband calls them "cute," which he thinks is a compliment, but really seems to be code to me for "not that good." But I'm also a little bit proud of them, so here they are, in all their rough-edged glory. I'd love to go back to school and get some honest (but gentle, since I'm a beginner) feedback, but for now, I'll just share them with the cyberworld.
-originally published 1/06

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