Saturday, August 4, 2007

Book #25: The DaVinci Code

The Da Vinci Code

Title: The DaVinci Code

Author: Dan Brown

This isn't the first time I've read The DaVinci Code, but in honor of making it to the halfway point in the 50 Book Challenge, I decided to reread an old favorite. I'm also almost beside myself with excitement for the movie to come out, even though I think Harrison Ford would have made a better Robert Langdon (don't they even call him "Harrison Ford in Harris Tweed" in the novel?). Anyway, you all know what The DaVinci Code is about, and since I read it in almost the same amount of time that the story unfolds in the novel (24 hours) you know that I liked the book. This afternoon after Church, I put the baby down for his nap and let the two big kids watch videos to their hearts' content while I read.

So, if you just crawled out from under a rock somewhere and still haven't read The DaVinci Code, believe me, you won't be sorry. I promise, even if you're the slowest reader in the world, you still have time to finish it before the movie comes out next month. I just really, really hope the movie doesn't suck, because that would be so disappointing.

--originally published 4/23/06

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.