Title: Jubana: The Awkwardly True and Dazzling Adventures of a Jewish-Cubana Goddess
Author: Gigi Anders
This is the kind of book I inevitably end up with when I leave my list at home and take the kids to the library. It's something I never would have read otherwise, but it was a really fun read. I don't recommend it if you don't enjoy liberal use of the "f" word. But foul-mouthedness aside, I was totally entertained by Gigi Anders and her crazy family and her Juban (Cuban Jew) exile experience. I laughed so much as I read this book.
But have you ever been entertained by someone while knowing you probably wouldn't like them all that much if you met them in real life? I felt like that about Anders too. She had me in stitches, but I have a feeling I wouldn't have too much patience for the chain-smoking, TaB-guzzling, eyebrow-plucking, psychoanalist-adoring Jubana with a sense of entitlement as big as my house. But I have a feeling that the feeling would be mutual. I got a great view into another slice of life, and came back to my own life refreshed and glad to be there.
--originally published 3/24/06
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