Saturday, November 29, 2008

What have I learned from blogging for the last 29 straight days?

I'm really not cut out for the daily blogging thing. I'm glad I don't run one of those design blogs that constantly clogs my Google Reader. I could never be Scribbit-- who never seems to run out of things to blog about. I'm so glad that the group blogs I belong to don't require daily participation. I can be funny and interesting sometimes, but there are days that just aren't that exciting. Today I ran 17 miles. Maren locked herself in my bedroom. Andrew and I took the kids to the Health Museum where Annie decided she never wants to get old and Bryce decided that he'd love be an alien descending on a suburban shopping mall. We sent our company home. I desperately wanted but didn't get a nap. I read an article suggesting that in the current economy, I might have to forgo True Religion jeans in order to buy my kids exactly what they want for Christmas. I forgot to change Maren's diaper and she leaked pee all over the chair in my room. I strung up Christmas lights in the kids' rooms. We still need to straighten out our tree, which I was too tired to do last night after cutting half of the lights off our prelit tree and stringing it with lights that weren't burned out. I signed up for the marathon on New Year's Day and realized I'm a week off on my training schedule. I did some online Christmas shopping (mostly for myself), picked up the house, and made pancakes for the kids for dinner. The kids and I watched a heavily edited version of Iron Man, and Bryce resolved to brag about it to his entire Primary class tomorrow. Eddie came home from work at 7:30, bearing cold cheeseburgers, which I ate greedily and washed down with the last slice of cranberry apple pie. I finished my book, and I'm still putting off writing all of the reviews which are piling up. Maybe, with some better perspective, I could turn one of those things into a witty anecdote you all would love to read about on the blog. But tonight, I just don't have it in me. I can't be the only one who's glad NaBloPoMo ends tomorrow, right?
1. no more pie in the house
2. locks that can be broken
3. answers to a child's prayer


  1. It's done! It's done! It's done! Don't forget, there is a big "finisher" photo on your header now. Marathons aren't the only thing worth finishing ;)

  2. well, i've loved knowing that when i need a good dissertation break, your blog is sure to have a new post :) thanks, shelah!!

  3. well I've loved reading and just seeing what you'd blog about each day. I only made it about 10 days LOL
