Sunday, November 30, 2008

This is how well our family picture shot went today...

when at first you don't succeed.... try again on a day when Maren has had a nap.


  1. Uh oh... waiting for a day when Maren has a nap could be waiting for a very long time....

  2. At least the Hannas look great.


    And our picture had to be postponed, on account of the neighbor kid giving Macy a black eye. I didn't feel like a "Season's Beatings!" picture this year.

  3. rofl!
    I'd totally send that one and say "Merry Freakin' Christmas"

    (ok, then maybe include a good one, lol)

  4. Cutest kids in Pearland, Texas! Your Thanksgiving sounded lovely! We had a great week with Bethy home!
    Love, Annie

  5. oh no!! At least all our happenings of bruises happened two days after pictures!

  6. Love your kids' Christmas outfits! And I am really looking forward to book club tomorrow night.
