Thursday, March 6, 2008

Take It and Run Thursday-- Gear, Gadgets and Equipment

When I started running, all I needed to be happy was an old pair of shorts, a cheap pair of sneakers, and about 45 minutes with no children in my arms. Life was so simple. As I've gotten progressively faster and more competitive, it seems like my need for stuff has increased exponentially. Here's a list of just a few things I cannot run without:

* My treadmill. On days like today when I have a sick kid home from school, plus my preschooler and toddler, there's no way I can get in a workout without a treadmill. I did have to stop three times in a six-mile run this morning, but I finished it. I have a pretty basic Horizon T20, and even though Eddie said it was just going to be an expensive clothes hanger when we bought it, I've gotten tons of use out of it. It got me through three Minnesota winter and three (so far) Texas summers. When I upgrade, I'll need a faster model, though. This one goes up to 10mph, and sometimes when I'm sprinting, that's not quite fast enough.

* The Jogging Stroller. Next to the treadmill, the stroller is my most indispensible item. I started out with a used Baby Trend double jogger (try running that thing up the hills of Southern Minnesota with 80 lbs of kids in it), and traded up three years ago to the Dreamer Design Ditto. Although the current model apparently has some problems, the one I have is a great stroller. A couple of months ago I pushed my six-year-old and my one-year-old through miles 14-20 of a long training run. Maren and Isaac are probably a little bit too familiar with the stroller for their liking, but having a sane mommy is a very good thing.

* The iPod. Enough said. I will add, though, that since the discussion about music on Runner's Lounge a few weeks ago, I started downloading podcasts. My current favorites to keep me going on long runs-- The Splendid Table (dreaming about that post-run feast) and This American Life. I've decided that the running podcasts don't do it for me-- I'd rather think about something else (preferably food) while running.

* The Shoes. Right now I'm running in Brooks Axioms and Asics GT-2130s. I love both of them!

* The Clothes. As long as they have a pocket, I'm good. I need a spot to stash my cell phone and my shot bloks. I love anything by Sugoi, but since that stuff is often out of my price range, I find myself settling for the Target workout gear instead. I have one of those amphipod extra pocket things, but I haven't gotten the hang of it. It chafes my waist.

* The Hydration Sysytem. I have an amphipod. I've recently decided not to race with it anymore, because I feel like it weighs me down, but I like it well enough as my security blanket for long run training. I used to think that hiding a water bottle in the bushes (filled with water or accelerade) was kind of amateur, but I'd rather be amateur and feel free.

* The Fuel. Before a run? A banana and a couple of Immodium before a race or a very long run (learned that one the hard way). Fuel during a run? I love the cran-razz shot bloks and the Jelly Belly Sport Beans. I've tried some of the gels, but they always seem to upset my stomach.

* The Timing System. A few years ago, I got a cheap Timex watch, but I never really figured out how to work it. My timing has been, at best, haphazard. Maybe that's why I always go out way too fast and then fade big-time. After months of drooling over them, I ordered a Garmin 205 this week, and it should be here before my long run on Saturday. If I can just figure out how to make it do the things it's supposed to do, I think it will really help me.


  1. I just got my Garmin a few weeks ago, and I absolutely love it. I love it so much, that I have named it Paula.

  2. I thought of you when I read this post on my new favorite blog:

  3. that post is hilarious, Kermit. And too true. Although I don't have a Prius, I do drive to the lake while listening to NPR and wearing my pricey running gear to go run.
