Wednesday, March 5, 2008

She may be nonverbal...

...but she sure is smart!

These days, Maren's vocabulary is limited to about 10 words, most of which are the names of people in our family and animal sounds. But I know that she's happy or excited when she kicks her leg back and forth (think "dog wagging tail") and it's pretty easy to decipher the budding temper tantrums (she is fourteen months, after all).

Yesterday, she brought me a pirate eye patch that Isaac acquired while Eddie and I were gone last week. I put it on and she got all excited (kicking that little leg and everything). Then, with a look of determination in her eye, she headed towards our Little People bin and dug and dug and dug through them (we have a LOT of Little People) until she found the pirate with the eye patch. She brought it over to me and pointed to my eye and acted very proud of herself. She can't talk, but she's an observant little thing!


  1. That is very impressive. It looks like she has yours and Eddie's genes.

  2. Welcome back!

    That is smart-wow!!! Love the dog wagging image!

    Looks like you guys had a fun trip. Was that Chichinitza? (sp??)

  3. one of my oldest, dearest friends is named Maren. i'd never heard that name before we met, but in the past few years I've heard of at least 3 others. i have always liked it. and yours sounds particularly precocious! ♥
