Monday, August 6, 2007

Week in Training: August 6-11

Monday: 4.25 miles, sorta fartlek, did 5K in 21:10
Tuesday: planning a spinning class and about 40 minutes of swimming (got in 30 minutes-- had to take a detour to the bathroom to change Isaac after a potty accident)
Wednesday: 6.7 miles outside, after dinner in the 98-degree heat. Blech
Thursday: ditto Tuesday, minus the potty accident
Friday: ditto Monday, 5K pace of 20:57
Saturday: long run-- 12 miles. Hot, hot, hot!

1 comment:

  1. Hey-your site looks great!

    Love your "Sunday Pants" I have some for old navy that sound about the same-I can't get rid of them EVER.
