Monday, August 6, 2007

Excuse the mess, I'm unpacking

Welcome to the new blog! After nearly two years at Typepad, my blog and I have moved back to Blogger. We liked it at Typepad, but it's the high-rent district (as in not free), and since I was leasing, I couldn't really decorate the way I liked. Besides, I like the neighbors (my fellow Blogger bloggers) better here.

So, reset your bookmarks and bloglines and excuse the mess as I unpack and redecorate. If you're willing to lend your advice and expertise and help me decorate, I'd love it! I know what I want, I just don't know how to do it. Pretty soon we'll be up and running again!


  1. How interesting. I was always semi-jealous of your sleep typepad ways. Like that's where serious bloggers were. Welcome back to blogger!
