Monday, May 11, 2015

Book Review: The Law of Moses by Amy Harmon

Title: The Law of Moses
Author: Amy Harmon
Enjoyment Rating: ****
Source: Digital Copy
Content Alert: Language, teenage sex

The small town of LeVan, Utah is a place where white people ride horses, compete in rodeos, and go to church on Sunday. It's not an easy place for a biracial teenager who sees dead people to find a home. But Moses doesn't have anyone to care for him except his grandmother, so he ends up living in LeVan, where Georgia falls in love with him. She knows their love is doomed from the beginning, but she can't help herself, even when he pushes her away and leaves her feeling as alone as he once felt.

The Law of Moses is definitely the best example of craft among the finalists in the Whitney general fiction category. Both Georgia and Moses are complicated characters who grow and change through the course of the novel. The narrative is heart-wrenching and redemptive, and I think most readers get most of what they want by the end of the story. Harmon also knows how to spin a yarn that keeps readers reading. Some will argue that this book would be a better fit in the speculative category, which may be true. If so, this is the kind of speculative novel I could really get into reading.

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