Friday, February 13, 2015

Book Review: Missing Lily by Annette K. Larsen

Title: Missing Lily
Author: Annette K. Larsen
Enjoyment Rating: ***
Source: Digital Copy
Content Alert: A clean romance

Princess Lylin is riding her horse in the forest when she finds herself separated from her entourage and her animal. Fortunately, before any ill befalls her, she finds a manor house. The servants and their lord take her in without knowing her true identity, and she develops an attachment to Lord Fallon that can't be denied, even when she returns to the castle to find life as she knew it turned upside down.

I didn't recognize that this was the second novel in a series, and that Just Ella (the previous book) dealt with many of the same characters and set up the action in Missing Lily. Although that may have made the book more enjoyable, I will admit my prejudice here-- historical romances from this time period really aren't my cup of tea, and neither are romances where the protagonist is basically a child. The book was written well enough, and the story would probably appeal to someone who loves fairy tales and fantasy, unfortunately that reader isn't me.

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