Title: Miss Armistead Makes Her Choice
Author: Heidi Ashworth
Enjoyment Rating: ****
Source: Digital Copy
Content Alert: A clean romance
Miss Armistead, who has lived in India since her London season several years earlier, arrives in England to prepare for her upcoming marriage to Duncan, a blind Scotsman who captured her heart in India. Then Mr. Lloyd-Jones saves her and her mother from a problem with their carriage, and soon Miss Armistead and Mr. Lloyd-Jones are running into each other almost every day. If it weren't for Duncan, Miss Armistead might even say that she was falling for one of London's most eligible bachelors, but her sense of duty is strong, and she knows what she has to do.
I've read several of Heidi Ashworth's historical romances over the years, and they just keep getting stronger. I think Miss Armistead is her best so far. Although Miss Armistead is a fine character, it's Mr. Lloyd-Jones who shines in this novel, and I love the way that Ashworth creates an out (oops, spoiler!) so true love can prevail.
Thank you for this lovely review!