Title: Love Life
Author: Rob Lowe
Enjoyment Rating: ****
Source: Audible
Content Alert: some crude language, drug and alcohol use
I read Rob Lowe's first memoir, Stories I Only Tell My Friends, a few years ago (somehow I escaped reviewing it, which is a shame, because it's awesome), and was so impressed and surprised by the quality of his storytelling that I bought this immediately when I heard that he had a new book out. While Stories I Only Tell My Friends, deals a lot with Lowe's story of growing up and his "wild" years which landed him in rehab, Love Life focuses more on his family life. As a child star, and one of the famed brat pack, smart money probably wouldn't have been on Lowe having a happy marriage of more than twenty years and finding lots of joy out of coaching his boys' basketball teams (until he got fired, that is). While Lowe does some name-dropping and navel-gazing (which is probably inevitable given his profession), this story is much more about how he feels as his son goes off to college, and the reasons why he and his wife work so well together. The final chapter brought me to tears as I was out in the neighborhood walking the puppy. I would heartily recommend both books for an interesting, accessible, completely engrossing read.
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