Monday, December 31, 2012

Book Review: Twinspiration

Title: Twinspiration: Real-Life Advice Through Pregnancy and the First Year for Parents of Twins and Multiples
Author: Cheryl Lage
Enjoyment Rating: **
This book would be rated: PG 
Source: Purchased from Amazon
Books I've read this year: 127

When we bring Eli home this spring, we're going to have two one-year-olds. They won't be twins, but in the adoption world, we call two kids living in the same family who were born less than a year apart "virtual twins." Since there aren't any books written about virtual twins (but there should be), I decided it might be helpful to read a book about twins. So I asked a friend who has two sets to recommend her favorite book, and she said that Twinspiration was the only book worth reading.

I'll admit that I skimmed a lot of this book. Lage's twins were her first children, and while she writes engagingly and honestly, the first half of the book is about the time leading up to her pregnancy, the pregnancy, and the delivery, none of which applies in my case. And while the rest of the book might be a great resource for a mom of actual twin infants, I found that chapters on sleep schedules and wardrobes don't apply as much to virtual twin infants of opposite genders. So I'll keep looking. And maybe writing.

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