Monday, April 16, 2012

Book Review: A Jane Austen Education by William Deresiewicz

Title: A Jane Austen Education: How Six Novels Taught Me About Love, Friendship, and the Things That Really Matter
Author: William Deresiewicz
Enjoyment Rating: 7/10
Referral: I think this was in the bargain bin at Audible
Source: Audible for iPhone
Books I've read this year:50

It took me a LONG time to read this book. A really long time. I started out all gung-ho, because who wouldn't want to read a book about how reading Jane Austen changed some guy's life (yes, you read that right, a GUY's life). The first chapter was great. And then I found that I didn't like this William Deresiewicz guy all that much. He complained a whole lot-- about his dad, his apartment, his spot in an Ivy League PhD program, his love life-- everything. So I quit reading it for a month or two, and then one morning I went out for a run and picked it up again. I won't say that I absolutely loved the book, but Deresiewicz did grow on me over time. I think part of his strategy was to make himself as repugnant as possible in the early chapters so he could be redeemed as he learned and grew from what he'd read (almost like an Austen heroine?). And the book rekindled my love for Jane Austen. I have three more Whitney finalists to read, and then Persuasion is at the top of the stack on my bedside table, calling my name.

1 comment:

  1. i agree - the author was VERY unlikeable, but i truly idd enjoy this book! i love Austen, but it made me love her works even more! and yes, i need to read them again as many books to read, so little time. :)

    here are my thoughts on it:

    and another book that was slightly similar and enjoyable as well:
