Wednesday, April 18, 2012


On Saturday, Rose went to her first gathering of the entire Miner clan-- both of Ed's brothers were in town, so we all got together for the first time in more than six years (so it was actually Maren's first gathering of the whole family as well). And what do you do when you have the whole family together? Take pictures, of course. We didn't hire a photographer because we weren't 100% sure Ed would make it until he walked though the door halfway through the party (those pesky heart attacks), and one certain member of the family has forbidden me from posting any pictures of him, but here's what we got of our immediate family:

Rose looks pretty darn cute right in the middle, doesn't she? Many thanks to Blue for sacrificing her Saturday afternoon and coming to snap a few shots.

I think I had some idea that after Rose joined our family we'd start shopping at the Chinese grocery store in Sandy and chopsticks would grace our dinner table. But we haven't done much adapting. Rose, however, has done lots of adapting. To the ever-present car seat, to the heavy-duty lotion rubdown every night, to being pushed around the house in Maren's dolly stroller. She's taken most of it in stride (although she didn't like it when Maren dumped her out onto the bathroom floor). But she really digs this:

Her first McDonalds cheeseburger. She are almost the whole thing-- mustard and all!

Here is one last look at my precious, drooly-faced baby standing at her new play table. She thinks she can stand all on her own, but we've had a few mishaps when we let go for a second. Take a close look at this sweet face, because in my next update she'll probably be markedly less cheerful, but her upper lip will be all in one piece! Surgery on Monday! Cross your fingers and say your prayers that everything goes well.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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