Thursday, February 9, 2012

Double Digits!

I vaguely remember many of my birthdays, but for some reason I remember my tenth more than most. It may be because my mom strung the living room with a maze of ribbons that my friends and I unwound at the birthday party. It may be because I really wanted a cat and didn't get one. But I think it had a lot to do with turning 10, when I could claim a double digit number.

Annie has always seemed older than she is, so I doubt that turning double digits is all that exciting for her. She'd rather be turning 12 than turning ten. But since we can't speed up the clock, we'll celebrate what we've got, which is ten wonderful years with Annie. She won't remember the birthday party (since she didn't have one) but she will undoubtedly remember her ten-year-old trip (a Miner family tradition) since she's lucky enough to be coming to China with us to get Rose (I'm not sure if she'll remember it with fondness or not, that is still to be determined). She was really, really hoping that she'd celebrate in China, but since we're still waiting for our final approval, that obviously hasn't happened. I'm glad that she got to do it at home, with friends to sing to her and Lemon Lover's White Chocolate cake for dessert.

Happy Birthday, Annie girl!

1 comment:

  1. Bailey was remembering Annie's cake decorating party the other day. Pretty amazing considering that was what, kindergarten? Anyway, Bailey says "Happy Birthday Annie".
