Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A big day

Have you ever had one of those days so full of good, big, and momentous events that it's almost too much to take in. It's my first moment of down time all day, and I'm not sure I can even process it yet.

I knew when I woke up that it was going to be a big day, and a busy day. Ed was taking a board exam, which is a big deal, and I was taking my last final as a graduate student, both of which are significant events, in and of themselves. Both of the girls had holiday concerts. And I had plans to go to the temple and lunch with a good friend for her birthday. During my run this morning, I kept hopping off the treadmill to write notes to myself so I wouldn't forget anything.

Not only was it a big and busy day, but I was also feeling kind of stressed out. Not about the test or the performances or the birthday, but about the dang letter from China we've been waiting for. Driving down to Provo I called Ed to lament about how the wait was wearing me out. He was getting sick of my whining about how things should go in order and I'd be a super-awesome paper pusher if I were ever in the position to approve people for adoption, and he told me to take a deep breath and go take my final. So I took a deep breath, and the phone rang. I saw the Seattle area code and knew it was our agency and started sobbing before I even picked up the phone. We got our letter on day 62 of the wait. Not the fastest letter ever, but certainly not the slowest. Now we have about three months until we can go to China. It's going to happen!

After I wiped the mascara off my face and we did some quick maneuvers with the scanner, I went to my final, then to Maren's adorable dance performance, then totally flubbed dinner because I was still too jangly and shaky to remember things like adding sugar and spices to the pumpkin pancakes. Who needs to eat on a night like this, anyway?

All in all, a good day. A very good day. We have some other big news (that also happened today) but I don't think I can share that news yet. It doesn't have anything to do with our adoption, other than our need to house our growing family.


  1. Congratulations! I am so happy for you and for Rose :)

  2. Yay!!! I'm so so glad to hear it, Shelah!

  3. Wonderful news, Shelah. I've been showing everyone who comes over your cute Christmas card. I'm very excited for you all. Adoption is a wonderful blessing.

  4. We did the happy dance around here for you guys last night. And yayayayaya on the other news!!! ;-)

    AND DoubleYay that you made it to Mare's performance! God is alive. Miracles are afoot. Magic is in the air!

  5. Hurray! Hope the next 3 months go quickly.
