Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Book #17: A Great Deliverance

Title: A Great Deliverance
Author: Elizabeth George

I've heard fantastic things about Elizabeth George's series of mystery novels with Inspector Lynley and Barbara Havers, but I'd never read any of them. So I picked up the first three in the series, and sat down last week with the first one, A Great Deliverance. I should have really, really enjoyed the book. It's right up my reading alley, and George does a good job of creating a main body of characters from Scotland Yard that seem possible to care about beyond one novel. So I'm chalking up my less-than overwhelming enthusiasm for the book to my own crazy life or something other than Elizabeth George.

The main premise of the book is that a Yorkshire woman is accused of beheading her father, and Scotland Yard sends Thomas Lynley, a dashing upper-class Brit, and Barbara Havers, his junior partner, from a troubled working-class background, up North to investigate. But they discover as much about their own inner struggles as they do about the struggles of the deceased and his family. I'll definitely give the Inspector Lynley series another go, but this one didn't hold a candle to PD James, even though the lead investigators seemed plucked right from one of her books.

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