Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Transformation, transformation!

You may notice over the next few weeks that the blog is changing. When I started it, back in 2005, it was a place for me to try to be philosophical about my life as a stay-at-home mom of three kids under the age of five. Then came my hyperactive running phase, in which I wrote a lot about improving my speed and losing weight and trying to smoke the pants off my male compatriots while wearing a running skirt (a much more appropriate way to deal with my competitive nature than comparing whose kid potty-trained first). Now my big kids are older, and the little ones, strangely enough, don't make me feel all angsty the way I did when the big ones were little. The running, while still important, is no longer a subject of exploration-- it's just something I do; the alarm goes off, I lace up my shoes, and run off into the darkness for an hour (or three) of exercise and therapy. Both of those aspects of my life, while still very, very important to me, aren't necessarily the things I write about most these days (besides, writing for Segullah gives me ample of opportunity to be philosophical, and writing for fMh gives me ample opportunity to be angsty). So while I'll still write about the kids (yes, Mom, there will be pictures) and about running (no, there will likely be no pictures of that, since taking pictures of myself while running is something I have not perfected and I refuse to pay $20+ for a single 5x7 of myself at a race, although my runner's legs will figure gratuitously in the new header), I want the name and the look of the blog to reflect the fact that reading and writing about books is one of the things I love best, and certainly the thing I'll write about most often on the blog in 2010.

Keep checking in for the transformation...


  1. Will miss your notes on running. They inspire this longtime lurker and running newbie.

  2. looking forward to the new look!

  3. Anonymous-- Don't worry, I'm not going to stop writing about running, at least any less than I'm writing about it now. I'm mostly just saying (in an obtuse kind of way) that I'm changing the name of my blog and getting a new header-- and you'll see-- it's something that combines both reading and running.

  4. I love the focus on books and reviews. Fun fun. I can't believe you've made it through 6 books this year already.

  5. can't wait to see it-it's a shame oi'm not there to lend my low angle tripod and remote! I am a master of leg shots!!

  6. yep, if I had your legs I'd be showing them off for sure. :)

  7. Love your new header and the runner's bod is one I aspire for. But, if I may add my two cents worth, don't leave out your attractive face.
    Ditto to Belle.

  8. Cute new header - well done, Shelah.

    And six books in already? Sheesh, I am such a piker.
