Friday, January 22, 2010

Plates, revisited...

I've been doing more than just indulging in my serious Dexter addiction lately (although I have watched all of the first season and half of the second in the last week), I also screwed my courage to the sticking place and got back up on the ladder in the dining room to hang more plates. Leslie has been a lot more dedicated to the plate endeavor than I have, and I got another box fresh from the Central Massachusetts Salvation Army yesterday. This morning I headed out to get plate hangers and came home with a bunch more plates from Home Goods and Ross, so I've been up on the ladder, dutifully hanging, this afternoon. I'm almost done! One small wall left, and if I could find my kids' birth plates (where, oh where, could they be? I haven't found them in the moving boxes yet) then I think I'd be just a plate or two away from completion. Excuse the terrible pictures, they're from my phone (I can't find my memory card, and the house has turned into a disaster while I've been ten feet up on my ladder).
This is now what you see when you enter the house from the front door. The east wall was already hung.

A view of the north wall. Les found lots and lots of little plates, and most of them even survived the cross-country voyage.

Here's the little northwest corner.

A view of the south wall. I really want the aqua Star of David in my bedroom, so I may have to do some reshuffling once I get more plates. 
That's the only empty space. Too bad I'll have to pull the ladder out from the garage again to hang just four or five more! Thanks for indulging my need to show off, yet again. I'm sure I'll share a picture of that last corner once it's done too!


  1. I don't think you understand quite how much I adore those plates!

  2. love the yellow corner cabinets and the plates. love love. and i love the brown behind all of it. you are giving me good ideas.

  3. that is so cute! It makes me want to go buy a house with a formal dining room just so I can copy.

  4. i will be so sad when i have no reason to buy cheap salvation army plates

  5. What a great idea, and it looks incredible. Did you use wire spring hangers or adhesive plate hangers like these?

  6. Thanks everyone! Karen, I used the spring hangers. I didn't even know that there were adhesive hangers-- how cool!

  7. It does look amazing and I want to go to the salvation army with Leslie to find some too.

  8. I love it so much Shelah. And I agrre, that aqua star of david plate needs to be showcased.

  9. Nice! You are the decorating maven. How much you get done in a short time is awe-inspiring. You spur me to tackle my large but neglected eat-in kitchen!

    PS I think I may have an internet trollope (oops, I meant troll;-) She has denuded some sites/threads I've been on and been shut down by the moderators. Sounds the same everywhere although she has more articulate personas.
    My sincerest apologies for the bugger (can I say that on a Mormon mommy blog?).
    Yours is a great blog.

  10. i love it! so beautiful! and honestly, gray, yellow and blue is one of my fave color combos...

  11. Wow, super cute execution of the plate display idea! I don't know if I've ever seen it done better! (I followed your link from Design Mom.)
