Friday, August 28, 2009

The First Day...

I know it's already Friday, but Bryce and Annie went back on Monday of this week. I say "back" to school, but since it was a new school for them, there wasn't really much "back" about it. The school is much smaller (only two or three classes of each grade as opposed to six or seven) but the classes are a lot bigger (32 in Bryce's fourth-grade class and 29 in Annie's third-grade class!). They're also riding the bus for the first time this year. I walked them to the bus stop on Monday and Tuesday, but by Wednesday they were ready to wait by themselves-- it's only five houses down the street, but I think it makes them feel very grown up. The school day is also very different-- they start at 9 o'clock (we started at eight in Texas) and don't get home until four, so lots of the activities that we did after school (like piano practice) will probably get done in the mornings now.

It's funny because every other summer I've counted down the days of the last few weeks of school, so eager to send them back, but this summer, for the first time, summer didn't feel quite long enough. Maybe it's because we could actually go outside this summer...


  1. Love the murals on the boys' wall. We did the nine start time in NJ and it was hard to do much after school. Even though we have to get up and going earlier, I like starting at 8 because we have more time for homework, play dates, practices after school.

  2. love the elephants. wow 9-4? My kids get on the bus at 6:50(school starts at 7:45) and they are home at 2:55 (school is out at 2:40). I walk them to the bus(first year for me to let them ride the bus too)it's only 4 houses down. I have to be there when they get home or the bus driver won't let them off the bus.
