Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The most important meal of the day...

I'll admit it, over the last few months I've been bad about eating breakfast. It's not that I ever miss breakfast (I never miss any meals) but I've been eating bad breakfasts.

When I went on Weight Watchers two years ago, one of the goals I set for myself was no sweets before lunch. While I gradually gave up on all of the other trappings of Weight Watchers (the food journal, the point tracking, the weekly weigh-ins, the sensible portioning), I kept up the ban on dessert foods before lunch, a 180 turn from my former eating patterns, which regularly involved large slabs of cake for breakfast.

But over the last two or three months, I've seen cracks in my breakfast resolve. The first occurred when Maren discovered that she loves Lucky Charms. After portioning out a bowl for her each morning, I'd stuff a few marshmallow bits in my mouth too, and it didn't take long for me to remember how much I like Lucky Charms too (yeah, they're totally gross, but it's one of those "embrace the grossness" kinds of relationships we have). Also, part of the ritual of our trips to the gym is a stop by Shipley's Donuts on the way home for pink-frosted donuts for Isaac and Maren. Lately I've been finishing off their donuts, which is something I hadn't done in the past.

Part of the problem is that I'm hungry in the morning. By the time I'm done at the gym, it's 9:30, and the South Beach Diet bar I put in my purse just doesn't fill me up. By 11:30 I'm always ravenous. Like cram my fist in the bag of chocolate chips and cram as many into my mouth as I can hungry.

But yesterday I had a brainstorm. I can put water on to boil just before taking Isaac to school and by the time I get back five minutes later, it's bubbling. Then, if I add a handful of quick cook oats, some almonds, brown sugar and fruit, I have a great breakfast that keeps me full until breakfast and makes me happy. And it only takes a minute or two longer than pouring myself a bowl of Kashi Go-Lean.

A hot breakfast is probably a no-brainer for other people, but it's something that's been making me very happy for the last few days.


  1. i should ban sweets before lunch too. never even occurred to me before. good job finding a suitable alternative! ♥

  2. I love the idea of confining sweets to a certain time of day. I could probably do that. My sweet tooth became ravenous during my last pregnancy (1 bag of circus peanuts every 3 days or else I'd have dreams of dancing orange circus peanuts). As my dental exam last week showed, I need to get it back under control. Great idea on the oatmeal...I need to try that. Sound good with the nuts.

  3. It's a slippery slope, isn't it?! Once you started sliding it's hard to stop. Good thinking on your part on stopping the downward slide!

    On a different note: would you like to swap links with me?

  4. sure, Nicole. I added you to my sidebar. :)

  5. you and I are breakfast twins, and yeah I 'embrace the grossness' too LOL

  6. I have the same rule, and break it just as easily!

  7. I'm the same with no sweets until after lunch. It would be a lot harder for me if I were as fun of a mom as you and got donuts after the gym though! I totally want to do more fun things like that after making my kids suffer through "my time" stuff. That's a great idea, but I KNOW I'd finish off those donuts, I'm in love with them so I can't allow them near me usually.
