Title: Niagara Falls All Over Again
Author: Elizabeth McCracken
I've gotten out of chronological order already, since I actually read this book after reading McCracken's memoir. I was so excited I wanted to get my hands on another of her books. It was an interesting read about Mose Sharp, a Jewish boy from West Des Moines, Iowa (where my parents lived for several years, so it was fun reading about Valley Junction of a century ago) who runs away from taking on his father's shop and becomes a vaudeville star. He has a 40-year partnership with Rocky Carter, and they go on to star in countless movies together. It's the story of Mose's life, as it intersects with Rocky's. And looking back at it a month later, I like the book in retrospect. It took me several weeks to get through it, so the story didn't hold my attention the way some books do, but it was ultimately a worthwhile read, with well-developed characters and a nice combination of satisfaction and regret.
This book is good, but I LOVED McCracken's The Giant's House. Hope you can get your hands on it.