Title: The Pastry Queen: Royally Good Recipes from the Texas Hill Country's Rather Sweet Bakery and Cafe
Author: Rebecca Rather and Alison Oresman
In a word, yum. When we went to the Hill Country a couple of weeks ago, we drove more than 100 miles out of our way to eat at Rebecca Rather's bakery, Rather Sweet in Fredericksburg. It was well worth the trip, and the calories, and I've spent the last few days devouring her book, making lists of recipes I need to try. Next week I'm ditching cub scouts to go to a dessert class she's teaching at Central Market, and we're actually making those luscious lemon beauties on the cover of the cookbook. I can't wait. I think I may officially be a groupie.
Wish I could come back with the Minnesota Pastry Queen and go to that class. Let's see -- Cubs vs lemon meringue? There's a choice there?
ReplyDeletelove, Annie
Fredericksburg is such a quaint little town---I would have made the drive too!
ReplyDeleteI need to find and go to Central Market - sounds like a fun place. I don't know how you find all these fun things to make and do (you seem very talented that way). Can't wait to hear how the cooking class goes.