Title: Chickens in the Headlights
Author: Matthew Buckley
My brother and sister-in-law sent this book our way for Christmas. It's the story of a summer in a house full of seven boys ages nine and under. I think Bryce would really like it, but I'm not sure I should let him read it-- he might get some ideas. As for me, it made me really glad that I didn't grow up with seven brothers and that I don't have seven boys of my own. The two I do have do a perfectly adequate job of making me happily crazy!
I've been meaning to post for a while, after lurking for months (or maybe it's been years!) I'm a friend of Courtney Dana's and she recommended your blog since she knows I love to read. I have to say thank you for taking the time to post all your book reviews. I enjoy all of them and have found many new favorite books thanks to your recommendations. Just wanted you to know you're efforts are appreciated!