Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A year later...

Last night, I sat in the audience at the second grade Christmas program, watching Annie, but thinking about Isaac. Last year at this time, watching Bryce at the same concert, Isaac was in the hospital getting his spica cast put on, which seemed like just about the worst thing that could have happened just when he seemed to be getting better from MRSA. This week we learned that he has only two more physical therapy sessions before his therapist is "graduating" him and his infectious disease specialist discontinued his antibiotics after three doses daily for more than a year. I guess life really is getting back to normal. Normal is good.

1. good friends
2. new brakes
3. crisp weather (not "cold," you guys-- if there's no ice, it doesn't count)


  1. that is wonderful!! I remember this time last year how scary it all was.

  2. Normal is good.

    ....I'm thinking that it doesn't snow on "crisp" days....

  3. I'm so glad Shelah. And I agree, normal is good.
