Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sometimes keeping up with all of the blogs is hard work

Check out my post at Segullah today in lieu of great blog here.

I've been busy prepping Thanksgiving (pie crusts, pie filling, cornbread, cranberry sauce, cinnamon roll frosting and butternut squash puree down, and lots more to cook tomorrow). We took the kids to Discovery Green this afternoon. I'm kind of hooked on the book I'm reading and don't want to come up for air to blog-- so read what I already wrote. And be sure to comment over there too! If comments were votes in group blog popularity contests, I'm pretty sure I'd never win much of anything.


  1. I'm doing the blog everyday challenge too and it is hard work. I'm heading over to Segullah to read your post. I'll be interested to read your review of People of the Book. I had this on hold this summer at the library but we were on vacation when it came in so I missed it.

  2. loved her first book Year of Wonders. You can read a fine review of it online somewhere so i won't bother describing it. Just that every now and then you encounter someone who is a true author, vs. someone who merely writes. She has such a beautiful, rich facility with the english language. I loved her style.

    i'll be putting People of the Book: A Novel on hold as soon as i post this. Thanks for the head's up about her latest.

  3. Hey, you win lots of contests in my book. You always seem like you have so many balls in the air. Never quite sure how you manage it all!
