Monday, November 17, 2008

I think she has issues with the story of the creation...

Our house: 6:30p.m. on a Monday night. Kids fed. Kids bathed. Husband not home. One big kid planning FHE. One big kid writing a comic book. One big kid helping me add to the huge pile of upstairs things that have accumulated downstairs over the course of the last twelve hours. No one watching the greatest force of destruction known to the household-- Maren. We find her, surrounded by tiny shreds of paper-- tiny shreds representing the first seven chapters of Genesis, gleefully (and neatly!) pulled from Eddie's scriptures.

I think she's already on her way to being a cafeteria Mormon, and she's decided that her first point of contention is the Adam and Eve story.

1. Kids fed
2. Kids bathed
3. Maren in bed


  1. that maren! i bet you are thankful the moment she is asleep. i don't know what i'd rather deal with though, the tornado force of maren, or the stripper/peeing on everything force of my natey?

  2. hi-freaking-larious. wonderful wonderful post.

  3. Aw man. Somehow it's worse when they destroy something sacred, huh. Too funny.

  4. well, it's not my favorite part of the scriptures, either, maren.

    great post! i laughed at the cafeteria mormon analogy.

  5. oh no!! She is one sneaky kid huh?
