Wednesday, November 12, 2008

dumpapallooza 2008

I cleaned the whole house yesterday. Top to bottom, scrub, scrub, scrub. At 5pm, I left the house to drop Annie off at ballet, and ran to Kroger for a few necessities (diet Coke, vanilla, ice cream sandwiches since I didn't have time to bake for the cub scouts). When I got home half an hour later, Hurricane Maren had hit, leaving a path of destruction an entire playroom, bathroom and three bedrooms wide. Right now she's climbing on the desk beside me, throwing paper all over the floor. Yeah, the floor I just cleaned. And she wrought all of her havoc while watching Dora, which was my last safe haven.

1. a clean house (while it lasted)
2. Maren (despite her messes)
3. two kids who leave all day and don't contribute to the mess


  1. My house is only clean from 10:30 pm to about 8 am, thanks to freaking Campbell. That kid is going to be the death of me.

  2. Yep, I've got a little hurricane here too-he specializes in marker artwork on a variety of surfaces (just never paper). Not good.

  3. oh no!! And that is why I only scrub scrub scrub on Mondays b/c why bother the rest of the week?

  4. Sounds about typical! My house in only ever clean for about minutes at a time :)

  5. Too funny! We refer to Kelly as Hurricane Kelly around here as well. Holy crap, their wrath is insane, isn't it?
