Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I guess I just committed myself to at least seven more months of long runs...

I signed up for the Boston Marathon this morning. Is the feeling in the pit of my stomach excitement or dread? I can't tell yet....


  1. How exciting! I may make it when I'm 70 if I'm still running then ;).

    Almost taper time for St. George, right? You ready? :)

  2. How exciting! When we lived in Boston, we watched it once. Didn't make me want to run it, though. ;o) Have fun training!

  3. Hooray!!! I can proudly say I watched you run the Country Music Marathon where you qualified for Boston with the cutest 1-year-old fan in the world. I'm so proud of you!
    Love, Annie

  4. I don't know if "have fun training" is exactly the right thing to say. Is training fun? ;-)

    I am trying to find a place to keep exercising that won't exacerbate the stress fracture in my toe. I finally got to the point where mentally I really wanted to do this race, only to be stymied right after I got my groove.

    Then to top it off, our dear Bishop Miner gave a testimony Sunday about how his son had been invited by his boss in NYC to do this charitable bicycle road race in Manhattan to raise money for a good cause. His son loves nothing more than cycling. But in the end he realized the race was on a sunday and he really felt the need to keep his commitment to the Sabbath.

    Talk about guilt. My 1st race is scheduled for a sunday. And it's not a charity or for a good cause. I'm conflicted. But part of me wants to just keep training and do it. I can find lots of reasons to rationalize it. Only one reason to not do it.

    I hate moments of truth like this!

  5. YAY- I'll be there with a poster cheering you on!!

  6. Wow-that's exciting.

    Maren is so cute in that last post-she needs more pictures for sure!

  7. Yay shelah!
    Have fun on all of those long runs.

  8. Good luck. And thanks again for being such a great inspiration to us beginning runners.
    Off topic: If you're anywhere in the hurricane's path, stay safe and be well.

  9. Oh girl-- Boston is the race worth marathoning for! You will love it. I will see you there AND in St. George though if my hamstring doesn't ease up I'll just be cheering hubby on. Let's figure out a meeting place in St. G.
