Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Book #63: Breaking Dawn

Title: Breaking Dawn
Author: Stephenie Meyer

Edward and Bella finally get married (spoiler alert), procreate, and live immortally ever after. Jacob imprints. The end.

That's the short version. Meyer's is the long version. The at-least-200-pages-too-long version. Argh. I really like the woman's stories, but she is so in need of a good editor it's not even funny. When JK Rowling wrote a 700 page book, I felt like it was because she was exploring the minutae of the wizarding world, not because her prose needed tightening. I didn't notice it as much in the first two books in the series, but in both The Host and Breaking Dawn, the lack of tightness really made it hard for me to get lost in the plots. And the plot this time? Meh. I mean, I was rooting for Bella and Edward to get married and for Jacob to imprint, so I felt rewarded in that regard. But the ending? Lame. The speeded-up pregnancy? Oh-so-weird. The name Reneesme. Gag me. Still, it was fun. And I finished it. But I'm not quite as excited about picking up the book on Edward's perspective. For one thing, I know it's coming right on the heels of her other two books, so I doubt her editor has had much time for chopping.


  1. I couldn't agree more. At times I was just trying to get through it (the majority of the Jacob section).

    Needless to say I was glad that it was the last book in the saga.
    I am not sure I am interested in reading the same thing from Edwards point of view.

  2. I totally agree with you on your thoughts on breaking dawn. (however I ADORED the host)
    I read the first 12 chapters of midnight sun on SM website and REALLY enjoyed it. Im bummed that its put off indefinitely.

  3. I completely agree. I couldn't even finish the Host. (To many books too little time to waste reading something I am not into.) I loved Twilight. I loved the next two. This one felt like it was not the same kind of book. Way more sci fi than fantasy. I like both, I just don't like switching mid-series.

  4. Ditto on the editor comment. At least get one who can catch typos, then go from there.
