Monday, August 25, 2008

This one's for the Grandmas, Mimis and Grannies...

It's the first day of school-- so get your Bryce and Annie fix!

Annie couldn't wait to start second grade:

Bryce wore his game face in this picture, but was pretty nervous about the first day of third:

Isaac (notice that he's wearing his backpack) and Maren came along for the ride:

Annie at her desk. Yes, a desk-- not a table. She was pretty excited about that!



  1. cute kids! Annie looks way older than Seth - she is going to be just fine in 2nd grade!

  2. So cute! And how did I not know they were a year apart in school? Or was there some grade skipping involved?

  3. Emily--

    You caught us. I thought we'd just slip ever so quietly into second grade, LOL. She skipped first.

  4. I hoped there would be a first day of school pic -- you know I love 'em! Can't believe Bryce is in third grade already -- hope the day went well for him and Annie!
    Love, Gr(Annie)

  5. The are so big! Very cute/and or handsome!

  6. I love that first picture. Your kids are beautiful, even those unschooled :)

  7. cute kids (all four of them). Can't wait to hear how Annie does in 2nd grade, I'm sure she'll be wonderful.

  8. they look so grown-up! love the first pic, especially.
