Saturday, April 26, 2008

Country Music Marathon-- the results are in!

I finished the race this morning! My official time was 3:27:38, which was 9th in my age group and 41st overall among women. I'll do a full report with pictures (if I can snag any from Tom's camera) when I get home tomorrow.

Yes, I am ecstatic! And yes, I'm already planning for a trip to Boston next April!


  1. WTG Shelah! I still can't believe the girl I worked with 10 years ago is a Boston Marathon runner.

  2. YAHOOO!!!!! That is awesome! I am so excited for you! Congratulations!

  3. you rock we're already planning your posters for next year- ps there are some congrats for you on my blog- see yesterday's comments!

  4. Congratulations! Bailey was very excited that you were running a marathon. Ever since I told him about marathons he has wanted to run one himself. I told him that maybe we should try a 5K first. So, thanks for being a cool mom for my son to look up to.

  5. Shelah, I'm so excited for you! Congrats!

  6. Congrats! I usually watch the Boston marathon from right around the 25-mile mark. Can't wait to watch and cheer for you, too, next year. :)

  7. Exciting! We watched the Boston marathon when we lived there. I was more than content watching, lol. :p
