Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A year of Maren

Maren turned one a couple of weeks ago, and amidst the chaos that comes with having four extra houseguests for two weeks, I completely spaced doing this. It's Maren's first year in review....

In the hospital on Christmas Eve, getting ready to go home:

Ten days old:

Two months old, kissing Annie:

Annie gives it right back on Maren's blessing day in February:

Three months old (March):

Easter Craziness:

Serene in the bouncy seat at five months:

Sitting at six months:

Happy to send the big kids back to school in August:

At Disney World with Daddy in September:

Cozying up to Isaac in October:

Playing in the sand in November:

All tuckered out in December:


The first birthday and Christmas cards are on my mom's memory card in Minnesota, so some day I'll get around to showing those! She's such a cute baby. But hardly even a baby anymore-- now she's more like a little girl! I think I'm going to go off and cry now.


  1. I'm crying with you (although Chase still shows no interest in walking so we can at least pretend he is a baby).

  2. Somehow I forgot to mention how adorable she is. She reminds me a lot of Annie in that August pic.

  3. I cannot believe it has been a year already. That is insane. I remember meeting her when she was just tiny!

    She is so beautiful Shelah, give her a big squeeze from me.

  4. I think if she's the last then you've ended on a pretty good note (or a cute one, at least).

    As for serene at 5 mos, I'd call that more like flashing gang signs. You gotta get those kids out of Houston.

  5. Shelah, she is beautiful! (Looks just like her mama) and I'm with you on missing my "baby". There's nothing like that first year. . .Sophie's into everything now!

  6. She is beautiful Shelah! I can't believe she's 1 already! Oh, and I'll cry with you too--the time goes waaaaay too fast.

  7. What?! It's already been a year?! Oh man. Well, she's still as beautiful as the day she was born.

  8. She is so cute! Happy Birthday Maren!!

  9. That went by way too fast. And she's just as adorable as ever!

  10. Awww, how sweet! Happy Birthday, Maren!
