Monday, January 28, 2008

Two more weeks

We go back two weeks from today for the great uncasting. The orthopedist said he's almost ready, and if he hadn't had an infected bone before the break it would probably be off today, but he wanted to give it two more weeks, just to be on the safe side.

I appreciate the safe side, I really do. But two more weeks? Well, it stinks.


  1. Oh NO!! I'm sorry for both of you. I appreciate the safe side as well though- at least when it comes to my kids. But it doesn't mean I wouldn't be disappointed.

  2. "Well, it stinks."

    Around the diaper area, literally.

    I'm sorry.

  3. So sorry!! Hope the time flies by

  4. I thought the same as Kermit- it stinks? or Isaac stinks?

    Look on the bright side- he'll keep spinning and you won't have to sweep your wood floors for another two weeks.

  5. Sorry! I was thinking about you guys yesterday. Here's to two more weeks of stinkiness and tv!

    Hang in there!

  6. ps. I just saw your "boyfriend" on TV. :)

  7. I am SO sorry. Here's hoping the next two weeks really go quickly--

  8. Sorry about the cast! You are building up a huge good karma store.

    A few weeks ago you asked for book recommendations and I have's The Time Traveler's Wife, by Audrey Niffenneger.

  9. You're going to have to write a book. Then it can be cannonized and people can refer to "the patience of Shelah".

    I am glad he's mending, though. Brave little boy.

  10. Lol Lucy! I'm sorry SHelah. You guys have been through the wringer, it's gotta be torture to be so close to freedom from the whole saga. (((hugs)))
