Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Marathon report

The short story is that I finished in 3:55. Go me.

The long story... For the last two weeks or so, I've been feeling sort of off. I've had a sore throat and enormous lymph nodes. I've been really tired. I have mono. Now, after the kind of fall I've had, any sane person probably would have taken the mono as a sign from God not to do the marathon. Not me. I guess I need lightning or something. Eddie and I talked back and forth about it and decided there wasn't anything really dangerous about me running with mono, and I knew that my time probably wouldn't be my best. I was cool with that. I didn't even really tell many people about the mono, because what kind of idiot runs a marathon with mono?

This morning, I started the race strong. Too strong. I met up with this cool LDS guy (Steve) from Wisconsin, and we did the first thirteen miles together. He needed to come in at 3:30 to qualify for Boston, and we were both feeling pretty confident that we could do it. I finished the halfway point in 1:40 and was in first place at that point. Around mile 12, I started to cramp. First my calves cramped. Then my quads cramped. Then my bowels cramped (not a pretty sight). The last 13 miles were so hard. I had to stop and walk every half mile or so and try to get the cramping to stop. I tried squatting, stretching, drinking all of the electrolytes I could, but nothing was making them go away. But I finished. And all things considered, it wasn't so bad. I was the 59th finisher of about 400 runners, and I'm guessing about the 15th to 20th woman.

I'm also down a toenail and one of the cramps hasn't completely subsided. Eddie says he's sure that the cramping was a side effect of the virus. Lucky me. But I'm already thinking about the next one and how I'll run smarter next time (without mono, for sure). Yeah, 3:55 was 15 minutes above my goal pace, but considering how I was feeling, I'm just glad I finished.

I'll post pictures when my mom wakes up. They're on her camera. She walked the half marathon and I think it did her in!


  1. Seriously! You are nuts! But congratulations on finishing. I would love a time like that feeling completely and totally healthy (my dream is to do a sub 4)! Get feeling better.

  2. Congrats- I can't believe you did it with mono. I dropped out of track at BYU because of mono. (ok, so I was looking for an excuse, but I still felt really, really tired).

    My mom is running the Disney marathon on the 13th and she is currently laid up with bronchitis. She'll do it even if she feels like crap. Must be a crazy runner thing.

    Great job!

  3. Congratulations! I'm sorry you didn't get your time goal, but you finished with a great time, especially considering your many obstacles in your path.

  4. You amaze me! Congrats!
    And feel better. Sheesh!

  5. Great job!!! Yeah, you're kind of crazy, but I would have been more surprised if you hadn't done the marathon!! One crazy fall....hopefully the "hard" stuff is mostly over.

  6. Congratulations!
    That's awesome.
    Sorry about the mono, that stinks.
    And yay for your mom!

  7. Shelah,
    That is an AWESOME time, especially for a first marathon. And you've got one under your belt, another one will be even easier. I am thrilled for you. The mono sucks though--you are pretty crazy to run a marathon with mono! You finished the first 13 in 1:40--that is crazy fast. Go Shelah!

  8. Yay! You did it. Congratulations. I am glad you decided to do it despite everything that happened before. I remember doing the same thing. And 3:55 is a great time.

  9. WAY TO GO! I had mono in high school and doing the mile and a half run for 10th grade gym nearly killed me. I can't believe you did the whole thing!

  10. Congratulations! I'm amazed you were even able to run at all, much less finish in the time you did. I think more marathons are definitely in your future---and in the time you want!!

  11. whoa shelah... i'm amazed at your determination! Good job!!!
