Monday, January 21, 2008

A college crush I can't get out of my mind....

According to the officially-sanctioned version of how Eddie and Shelah met, we hooked up at the very beginning of freshman year and dated the entire year. For the most part, that's the truth, but there was a week or two after I arrived in Provo and before I came down one night to the dorm lounge while he was flirting with another girl to ask him why he never bothered to call me. And in that week, I had a crush on another guy. A guy in my freshman orientation group. A guy, who incidentially, did not have a crush on me. A guy who has been on television a lot lately.

Do you recognize this guy? He bears quite a resemblance to his father. And I swear that every time I turn on CNN or Eddie leaves FoxNews on (which is totally against the rules around here), I see him. Usually standing in the background, behind Mitt, or else moving in a pack of other semi-official, good-looking thirtysomething Romneys.
I'm totally and completely happy in my marriage and with my husband. I know that I made the right decision (and since Josh never looked twice in my direction, it wasn't an issue). I hadn't even thought about Josh Romney for at least ten years before his dad decided to run for president. But over the last year I've found myself thinking that I could have been in those waterskiing videos, I could be the one who couldn't toast a marshmallow to save her life. I'm glad I'm not-- I'm just sayin-- it would be easier not to imagine "what if" if I didn't have to see the guy five times a day.
I think Eddie is now changing his support to Obama.


  1. I'm not sure the Romenys allow feminist democrats in the family so even if Josh had noticed you it might not have made a difference.

    I think most girls at BYU had a crush on a Romney at one point in time.

  2. Lol Courtney. I was talking with a friend in my ward here who used to have a crush on Matt (they were in the same ward growing up) and she said that she was too crunchy/feministy for him.

  3. Hee hee...too funny!

    I read an article online a couple days ago that Obama was making moves to reach out to Republican LDS voters in case Romney doesn't get the nomination (something to do with the fact that LDS actually tend to vote!!!)I don't think Eddie was quite the "cross over" Obama is targeting, but hey, a vote is a vote!!

  4. No way. You really didn't want to be a part of all of that Republican rhetoric did you?

    I am cracking up!

  5. That is so funny! I didn't ever come across a Romney while I was there-aren't we about the same age? I'll be looking for him on Fox. :)

  6. lol- as a witness to this whole spectacle I have to laugh -- eddie was persuasive to tear you away so quickly- josh and matt are nice guys for the record.
