Title: The God of Animals
Author: Aryn Kyle
Twelve year-old Alice and her father try to hold together their failing horse ranch during the hottest summer in fifteen years. Over the course of the year, Alice learns about selflessness and betrayal and friendship.
I liken The God of Animals to a more modern, more western, less drawly version of To Kill A Mockingbird. In The God of Animals, an adult version of Alice, like Scout, looks back on the year of her childhood where she lost her innocence and jumped over the divide into adulthood. The God of Animals is beautifully-written and engrossing (I read it in two days), despite, or maybe because of, its familiarity. Language might prevent it from being a good book group book in the more prissy circles, but it's a book that women should read and discuss.
Totally unrelated to the book, in shot blocks, I love strawberry and orange and I like black cherry. Pina colada and margarita were gross!!! I have not tried cola and don't plan on it.
ReplyDeleteok, that is good to know. I might actually try them again now!
ReplyDeleteTotally related to the book, I liked this too! So much complicated pain!