Friday, December 14, 2007

Holy cast!

Isaac came home from the hospital today, sporting the big mama of all casts, the infamous spica cast. It weighs as much as he does, and looks like this:


  1. Holy crap!

    How does that work with a carseat? You still heading to Utah for the holidays, or are you calling the game because of injuries?

  2. oh my holy crap. wow... just a really rough autumn for him!

  3. HOLY CRAP! What ever did you do in a past life to deserve all this?! lol And poor's he doing today? How did the staph infection results turn out?

  4. Isaac we're thinking of you pal! You are a true trooper. After this is all said and done I think Mom and Dad need to take you back to Disney for a month and do it up right! We're thinking about you and are praying for a speedy recovery. Your Michigan Cousins- The Dobsons

  5. Poor Guy. Did they let him pick the color of the cast? Are you still traveling to Utah for Christmas?

  6. That is not a cast. That is a caricature of a cast only seen in cartoons! Oh my!

  7. Oh my freaking goodness. Poor little guy! And poor you, who will inevitably wind up carrying him around in that behemouth of a thing.

  8. Oh my, that is quite the cast! At least he's smiling!
