Wednesday, October 3, 2007

keeping up...

When I was a teacher, I always tried to stress with my students the importance of staying on top of their work. It seemed like every few semesters, I'd have a perfectly decent student who was thrown a curve ball and missed a few assignments, then got overwhelmed and ended up either lurching to the finish line or dropping out of the class entirely. I feel like I can relate to the overwhelmed student in a lot of areas of my life right now:

1) My house. Last week I spent the week getting ready to go to Disney World. This week I've spent the week getting unpacked and getting on with life. I am a rigid adherent to the weekly house cleaning. Except this week. I was going to try to squeeze it in, but life is just too crazy this week to have clean toilets.

2) Blogging about Disney World. I keep thinking I'm going to upload the 200 pictures that my mom took and write a fantastic post about how much fun we had at WDW, but the software that goes with the new camera is giving me fits and I just don't have time to sort it out right now. So I might get around to it. If not, the kids are cute, Disney was awesome, and yes, I'm glad the party is over. But I've been feeling like I can't blog at all if I don't blog about this first, and as of right now, I'm relieving myself of that guilt.

3) Sleep. Maren is still giving me the 5am wakeup call. I. am. so. tired. Enough said.

4) Exercise. As I was writing this post, a woman from the PTA called to see if I can fit in two days of working at the school book fair over the next two weeks. Um, sure. That just probably means two fewer workouts. I'm already stressing that I've been doing outdoor runs pushing the stroller instead of indoor runs on the treadmill and my pace will suffer in my half marathon next weekend. But you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes.

5) The important one. The fall lineup. I had been looking forward to having something to watch in the evening again. We read Entertainment Weekly, decided which shows we wanted to watch, set our DVR, and instead of actually watching the shows, read the Twilight series (me) and watched college football (guess who?), so now our DVR is quickly filling up with shows I want to watch, but still, I sit on my butt reading about vampires in the evenings, and I have a feeling the tv season is going to be a total wash for me because I'm just too overwhelmed to start watching. Eddie and I want to watch and mock the Bachelor together, for example, but we now have almost 3 hours of it, in all its uncomfortable glory, waiting for someone to press play. And it won't happen tonight since I have book club, but since I record Private Practice, I'll be even further behind schedule. Aaargh! I know, my life is hard.

And in other "keeping up" news, last month Eddie signed up to run a 5K with me on October 27th. So far he has not run at all. It's 3 1/2 weeks away. He said his goal is to get in enough practice time to beat me. He's still confident enough that he has enough lead time to get fit enough to smoke me. This is the same race that I smoked a bunch of guys last year when I was 31 weeks pregnant. I see a couple of potential outcomes to this-- either he runs really fast and kicks my butt (which means I'll be jealous and he'll be sore), or I show him who is boss and emerge victorious. I just wish he'd practice a little bit so he doesn't die of a heart attack when I take off like a jackrabbit.


  1. Hon, if Eddie beats you, just remember that his legs are approximately 10 miles long in the first place. It doesn't mean he's a better runner or in better shape!

    I finally caught up on my laundry and then found the pile of dirty scrubs Dave has been I'm with you!


    We bond over mocking The Bachelor in this house too. Catch up reading these recaps, she's pretty funny and then you'll be up to speed. Saves you three hours.

  3. Jeff and I also bond over the bachelor. Our tivo is also getting overloaded. I wish I had a schedule for cleaning to stick to because then at least I'd feel more guilt about the dirty toilets.

  4. Ah Twilight! I tried to discuss it with Val, Sabra, Tina, and Courtney last Friday night. We couldn't do it. Too much mocking.

  5. I hope you catch up. Good luck on your race next week! Stroller or not, you've been training up a storm so I think you'll be taking names:)

    Sleep, baby Maren. Sleep.
