Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Week in Training: September 17-22

Mon-- 4.5 mi run with jogger (done)
Tues-- run 2 mi hills, spin class, a little bit of yoga (done, spin class interrupted twice for potty problems in the childwatch and it's hard to do yoga with a kid on your leg)
Wed-- 4.25 mi speedwork (5K time 20:05) (done)
Thurs--abs class, spin class
Fri-- 6.3 miles with the jogger.
Sat-- 15 miles. First six took me 50 minutes. Second six took 43 minutes. Last three took 20 minutes. I guess I wasn't pushing myself very hard at first.

The mornings are finally cooling off here, which is making me think I just might be able to pull off this training thing after all. I really had to overcome some serious inertia this morning to get myself out the door, but once I did, it really felt great. The afternoons are still in the 90s here, but I feel like "fall" (we really don't get a true fall in Texas) is just around the corner when I wake up and it's in the 70s or even the upper 60s!

Total running miles: 32
Total other stuff: one abs class, two spinning classes and a very short portion of a yoga video

1 comment:

  1. You are so awesome! Seriously that is a great accomplishment.
