Sunday, September 9, 2007

Book #48: I, Mona Lisa

Title: I, Mona Lisa
Author: Jeanne Kalogridis
I love two different kinds of books-- the ones that have a great story that reads quickly and the ones that make me think and feel smart. It's easy to find the first kind of book-- pretty much any Harlan Coben or Shopaholic book will suffice. I tear through them quickly and then forget them immediately, but they're fun while they last and I ignore everything around me (housework, kids, ringing telephones) amd immerse myself in the story. The second kind of book (the smart one) doesn't usually hold my attention as well while I'm reading, but I can usually remember it better. It's kind of like eating the high-fiber Kashi cereal instead of a bowl of fruit loops. It may not taste quite as exciting on the way down, but it keeps me fuller longer.
Anyway, after that long digression, I Mona Lisa is both tasty and satisfying. I loved the story and spent almost all day on Friday while Isaac was in preschool reading, but I didn't feel like I was sacrificing brain cells to do it. It's a great, fast-paced mystery, with well-drawn characters and an interesting protagonist. My only beef is that (since it's based on historical events) there were way too many guys named Guiliano. It was sort of hard to keep them all straight. That's where the excessive brain power has to come into play, I guess.

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