Monday, August 13, 2007

Zoo-y week

I've been whining for weeks about how bored, bored, bored I've been this summer. This week I won't be bored, but I'm not sure that the alternative is any better.

Isaac is in his second of two weeks of daily swim lessons at 2pm (during Maren's nap, of course). They're half an hour away, which means that we've spent a lot of every afternoon in the car lately.

This morning, Bryce started his week of zoo camp. He's been looking forward to it ALL summer. This morning, we left the house bright and early to fight rush hour traffic on the way to the zoo. Of course, I got roped in to taking the non-campers to the zoo too, at least until the 100+ degree heat forced us out.

So by the time we got home, it was lunchtime, and after that, time to get back into the car to take Isaac to swimming lessons. From there we went straight to the zoo ("I got to pet a chinchilla!"), followed by Payless for ballet and tap shoes (lessons start tomorrow and I still have to sew in elastic tonight), Wal-Mart (don't ask-- it was not fun) and McDonalds (no energy to cook after that).

I get to repeat the drill every day this week. Lucky me. The upside is that the house doesn't get used enough to turn into a wreck, which is a good thing because I don't have the time to clean it anyway.

I have a friend with seven kids. The oldest ones are in high school. I remember her talking last year about how she spent hours and hours in the car every day shuttling her kids from place to place. When school starts next week, the shuttle will start regular service again too-- carpool to the elementary school, both ways to preschool twice a week, baseball practice, baseball games, ballet class and swimming lessons will keep me busy. I like busy. I just hope type-A baby can stand it (she's not all to in love with the car). But I have this to say-- by the time my kids are teenagers and need some serious shuttling, I'm getting myself a pimped out minivan so I can shuttle in comfort and style.


  1. I like the upside (no messes in the house) but I am dreading the taxi-driving days myself. This year, we aren't doing anything extracurricular at all, so it's really minimal. But, when we are permanently somewhere, and get involved, I fear it will be our lot.

    Good luck this week! Your kids are going to have such skills:)

  2. YOU ARE BUSY GIRL! but that is what keeps life fun and exciting. I love the days I am going every which a way.
